lookalikes in love.


Not to rain on any romantic parades (in particular my own which is loud and pink and a 365 days of the year type gig), but it is said that our soul-mates are not the lucky ones shot in the butt by Cupid’s arrow or the love brought to life by some higher being that we are destined to find and fall for in every lifetime that we lead. Apparently, it all comes down to science.

According to whispers of research I’ve heard about over the years and have had confirmed on the BBC site here, our connection to the person we love has to do with a few factors. Smell (pheromones), symmetry (the golden ratio) and having a face similar to our own or that of our parents (our love map) is what makes us attracted to our partners. The look-alike notion is an interesting one that I chose to look at through the ever-publicised love lives of the rich and famous…

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